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Interessenerklärung Online


Below you will find instructions on how to log in and work in the AWMF-Portal Declaration of Interests Online.

Instructions for authors:

What is my role?
How do I log on?
How can I store / delete / export my declaration of interests?

>> Download (481 KB, PDF) <<

Instructions for appraisers:

What is my role?
How do I log on?
How can I view and appraise declarations of interests?

>> Download (334 KB, PDF) <<

Instructions for project coordinators:

What is my role?
How do I log on?
How can I add and invite project participants?
How do I distribute functions within a project?
How can I view and evaluate declarations of interests?

>> Download (655 KB, PDF) <<

Instructions for project administrators of a society:

What is my role?
How do I log on?
How can I create a new project?
How can I add and invite coordinators?

>> Download (359 KB, PDF) <<

Overview of the roles and rights in the portal and information on data protection

>> Download (140 KB, PDF) <<


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